Our Black Isle Landscape: An Exploration
Saturday, 29 October 2016
14:00 to 16:00

At the Gordon memorial Hall, Rosemarkie. This will be a chance to enjoy beautiful landscape pictures by Andrew Dowsett, at the same time as finding out more about getting involved in a Landscape Partnership in the Black Isle. Similar partnerships elsewhere have brought in up to £3M Heritage Lottery funding and employment opportunities, so why not here! This is an event for anyone who lives and/or works in the Black Isle who values our unique landscape, be it urban or coastal, farmland or forestry. Free event but you will need to book, as places are limited. 

Update 20/10/2016:

News from the Black Isle Landscape Partnership working group

This is a reminder to anyone who hasn't yet signed up to our open Workshop on Saturday 29 October. We'll be discussing all the project ideas we received over the summer, adding in new ones, and discussing the next steps in preparing a funding proposal for May 2017.

The meeting will be in the Gordon Memorial Hall in Rosemarkie (map here). Registration opens at 1345h. You can sign up for the workshop at the link below and next week you'll then receive information about the ideas up for discussion. If you tried to sign up before but were unable to, we have now fixed the link.

Sign up here:

The workshop will mainly consist of a World Café style discussion: 10 themes will each have a table, hosted by a facilitator, where you will be able to discuss ideas and contribute comments. You can move between tables whenever you wish during the session.

To help set the scene Andrew Dowsett will show 3 five minute slide shows of his Black Isle images during the afternoon.

Food and agriculture

Forest and woodland management
Public access (paths and routes) and enjoyment
History archaeology and culture
Sea and coast
Encouraging climate change resilience, enhancing biodiversity, protecting the environment.
Increasing learning and skills development, innovation and employment.
Building community capacity and sustainability.
Improving health and well-being.

1345h Registration
1400h Welcome and introductory images from Andrew Dowsett
1405h Background: What the Heritage Lottery are looking for, and stages in preparing our application
1415h World Café - review of the menu (projects so far) at each theme table
1425h World Café - discussions begin
1550h General questions and wrap up
1600h Formal workshop ends
1630h Vacate hall

We look forward to welcoming as many people as possible!