add to itineraryUdale Bay RSPB Reserve
There are children’s activities within the interpretation inside plus a chalk-board showing recent sightings. Ospreys frequently fish over the bay.
The four-panel 'Udale through the seasons' artwork within the hide was specially commissioned from local artist Rosie Newman. If you look carefully at ‘summer’ you will see she has painted in Kirkmichael pre-restoration on the far side of the bay.
Postcode for Satnav: IV7 8LU
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Hidden Black Isle offers you the chance to tailor-make your own trail around the Black Isle based on your direction of travel and the time you have available. Please note this trail is curated by Verity Walker as part of the Kirkmichael Trust's 2016/7 partnership project with the Black Isle Tourism Team. All information provided is accurate as far as we know. Additions and corrections welcome. You can contact Verity here.