Black Isle Tourism is a group of businesses and individuals committed to managing tourism in our area for the benefit of all. It is a project of the Black Isle Partnership.

A summary of the activities of Black Isle Tourism is available in this series of slides in PDF format.


Subscribe to our newsletter below for updates on what we have been up to on behalf of businesses and communities on the Black Isle. Read on below for details of how to become a Black Isle Tourism member and support our work towards becoming a sustainable tourism destination.


Subscribe to the Black Isle Tourism Team newsletter

If you are an individual or business interested in the latest tourism topics and issues for the Black Isle, please subscribe to our bi-monthly updates. We take your privacy seriously and your personal data will not be shared with any third parties. If you have any questions about the data we hold about you, please email [email protected].



Who are we?

Formed in Autumn 2014, Black Isle Tourism (BIT) is a subgroup of the Black Isle Partnership (BIP). We aim to encourage and enable businesses, organisations and individuals around the Black Isle who have an interest in tourism to work together to improve the visitor experience and to raise the profile of the area as a leader in sustainable and 'slow' tourism. Encouraging visitors to stay longer and 'live like a local'.


What have we achieved?

So far we've joined forces to produce the area's first visitor map (now in its fourth edition), launched a sustainable tourism strategy for the Black Isle, hosted several busy networking and information events, worked with the North Coast 500 and Visit Scotland teams to improve the profile of the Black Isle on their main visitor sites, and to raise issues of interest to our members. 


We have worked with Plexus Media in Cromarty to update this website as an information resource for the Black Isle. We have also supported funding applications, worked with the Highland Council on the improvements at Chanonry Point, set up and maintain our Facebook pages: Discover the Black Isle and Black Isle Nature, and carried out various other practical tasks.

We have proudly developed a brand identity for the Black Isle: "Savour the Unexpected" - reflecting the desire to encourage visitors to stay longer and see what we have to offer.


In 2018/9 we built on our position to raise the profile of the Black Isle. We developed the theme of Slow Tourism based on a successful Strategy Day held with 50 participants at the Fortrose Golf Club.  The outcome was a draft plan that was circulated in March 2019 and then presented to a further meeting in the Culbokie Inn in April 2019 and feedback requested.

In Summer 2019, Jon Palmer, then Chairman of BIT, wrote an article in Chatterbox on his personal view of tourism in the Black Isle.  It is available to download from the foot of this page.  The autumn networking meeting was held at Munro's Nursery and focussed on the concept of Black Isle trails.


What next?


The tourism plan sees a more structured relationship with the Community Councils on the Black Isle and an enlargement of the committee running the Tourism Team. Having joined the Scottish Tourism Alliance, BITT intends to benefit from its expertise.  


How can you join?

If you are interested in becoming a member of Black Isle Tourism you need to apply using our downloadable membership application form, which provides a choice of how to pay. Alternatively, email us at [email protected] and we will send you a paper document.


There is also a Standing Order Form should you choose to commit for a longer period.  Please post the forms back to BIT Treasurer/Membership Secretary. 


Membership costs £40 per annum and runs for a full year from your application date.Currently the membership fee is optional.


Membership Benefits

As well as the opportunity to add your voice to tourism development in the Black Isle, membership benefits include:


  • Black Isle Visitor Maps a two-sided A3, full-colour item to give free to customers/guests)
  • Bi-monthly newsletters
  • Twice yearly networking opportunities
  • A window sticker promoting the Black Isle and indicating membership
  • A £40 discount off North Coast 500 membership 


How are we funded?

Our work is funded in part by our membership fees and by short term grants for specific purposes, e.g. printing the Black Isle Visitor Map and producing the feasibility study for the Discover the Black Isle initiative. Our membership budget is bolstered by a grant from Highland Council.


Activity is coordinated by a steering group of local member volunteers. We follow in the footsteps of Lizbeth Collie who initiated the Black Isle Tourism Team while Destination Development Officer at Black Isle Bicycles, funded by the Coastal Communities Fund.


We are constituted as a project of the Black Isle Partnership (BIP) which aims to support and strengthen the area through social, environmental and economic activity, promoting community enterprises and companies with similar aims. 


We have connections to the North Coast 500 and the Highland Council, sharing best practice for sustainable tourism growth in the Highlands and Scotland's National Tourism Strategy 2020 “Making Scotland a destination of first choice for a high quality, value for money and memorable customer experience, delivered by skilled and passionate people".


Black Isle Tourism Team Steering Group

The Autumn 2022 members of the Black Isle Tourism Committee are:


Becky Richmond, Black Isle Stud, Ferintosh


Jon Palmer, The Cheese House, Cromarty


Rose Grant, (Communications Lead), Fortrose


Julian Paren (Treasurer/Membership Secretary), Munlochy


Anne Phillips, Rosemarkie and Fortrose Community Council Chair


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